Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

4 Aph. r. Ziczbcs 1.8. ei Chain of Principles, rather to fo grofs a niiflake,yea bided f are the people Dhich have theLordfor their God. 4. 2. There is one centre inwhich the defires of all menmeet however distanced in the circumference; One port, for which they are all bound, although imbarked in feverall ve%ls, and affe&- i:ng different winds . to fail by. That centre and port is Bleilidnefs ,: which may admit of this description. It is the acquiefcence of rational appetites in an objet fo full of reali and du- rable goodnefs, as tobe able fully to fatisfie all their longings. The clues}i- on debated in Ecclejiafles is whether any thing under the fun be fuck an objeft. The Preacher refolves it in the negative by reason of that univerfal unity, which overfpreads the whole. creation. Therefore it is, that the eye as he telleth us )' is not fatisfied with feein , nor the ear Did) hearing, becaufe thefe two fenfes of difcipline, when they have given their utroll intelli- gence