Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

AkMrLLII CifTECHETrCA A CHAIN of PRINCIPLES; Or, AnorderlyconcatenationofTheological ./1phori fines and . Exercitations Wherein, The Chief Heads of Chriflian Peligion are arced and i mpro'ved By JOHN ARROWSMITH, V.D. Late .Mailer both of St lobos and TrinityColledge fuccetïively, andRegius Profejr of Divinity in the Univerfity of CAMBRIDGE. Publifhed lince his Death according to his own Manufcript allowed by Himfelf in his life time underhis own hands ECCLÉSIASTiS 12.9, ro, I1,. Becaufe the Preacher was wife, He .11.111 taught the people Knowledge. Tea; He gavegood heed, and fought out and fet in Order many Proverbs, ThePreacher fought to' f ide out acceptable words, and that which was written w+as upright, even words òf Truth The wordsof the 'Wifeare asgoadsand as nayls fattened by the Mailers of the Aflembli'es, and given by one Pallor. CAMBRÍDGE: Printedby . ohn Field, Printer to the Univerfty IC 5 9 Andare tao be fotdlatthe ligneof the SevenStars in Flectfircct near S. Dunftans Church , LONDON,