Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

4g 6 Aph. 6. I Sam,tr,o.. AChain of Principles.. the days of old the years ofancient times- -. I will remember the years of the right hand cf the mop high, iwill remember theworks of the Lord ; Purely i will remember thy wonders cf old. Someenquire why Da- 'rid when he asked for a fword, and .Abimelech told him there was none at hand but that of Goliah, called for it, and faid There is none like to that : it is probable he might have found fonae of better mettal or as good : and forne perhaps fitter for his ftrength,but yet prefers this above all becaufe of his experiment. God had formerly blef him in the tire of that. §. 8. Againí1 the fourth and laft propofition of Providence her a&ivi- ty even in fin ; it may be obje&ed, and ulûally is that this tenet cannot be maintained without making God the Authour of fin, which opinion is an abhorrencie to the mindes ofall found Divines. I anfwer, fo it is and ought tó be; neither doth that offertion want the atte-