Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ChainofPrinciples. 4$7 atteftationofthis State. Witnefs amo-"Exerc. 4, dern but pregnant occurrence, yet not generally known and therefore inferred here in perpetuam rei memoriam. In the year of our Lord, i 64 5. there was publifhed in London an Englifh book wherein God was exprefly made the Author ofhis peoples fins, though not without force limitations. The Affembly of Divines then fitting at Wefhninfler, took offence at this, (though force ofthem,being acquaint- ed with the man, whofe name it bore, were ready to fay of him as .!uchol- raeis,torbo aam,fed non cerus did of Su'enckfeldius, He had agood Caput regulaium,, heart , yet without a well regulated eucltetAnna head) made complaint of it to both houfes ofParliament. They both cen- fired the faidbook tobe burnt by the handof the common hangman ; and the Affembly of Divines agreed upon a fhort Declaration, Nernine contradi cente, by way of detefration of that a- bominable andblafpherrous opinion, which was alto publifhed under that R r r Title,