Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

488 Aph. 6. d Chain ofPrinciples. Title, Tiny 17.1645. and in which we meet with thefe amongother exprefsi- ons "That the molt vile and bla- " fphemous A%rtion , *hereby God " is avowed tobe theAuthour of fin, " hath hithertoby thegeneral content " of Chriftian Teachers and Writers, "both ancient and modern, and thou c` as well Papifts as Proteftants been not difclaimed onely, but even de- " tefted and abhorred. - Our.Com- " mon adverfaries, the Papifls have 6` hithertoonely calumnioufly charged (` the Dorine of the Reformed " Churcheswith fo odious a crime (in " the mean timeconfefsing that we do " in words deny it , as well as they " -themlelves) now should this book " be tolerated might infult over us, " and publifh to the world, that in the " Church of England it was openly "and impudently maintained That ".God is the Authour of fin then "which there is not any one point , ` whereby they labour in their Sera " mons