Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

e Chain of Principles. 489 c` -mons and popular Orations, to cafl Exerc, 4 ®- agreater Odium (though moil inju- " upon the Reformed Chur "ches.-- -- We are not, for the Reve- " r-ence or eflimation of any mans (C perfon, to entertain any filch opi- " nions as do in the very words of " them afper.í:e the honour and holis nefs of 'Cod and are by all the "Churches of Chrifl reje4ed. This premifed,I now a%rt pofitive- ly and confiderately (yet without ob- liging my felf to make good every phrale that hath fallen unadvifedly from thepen ofevery writer) that what Proteflant Churches fay in their pub- lick Confefsions, and allowedProte- fiant writers in theirbooks, concern- ing Gods having a natural influence into the finfull ads ofcreatures, but without a moral influence into the fins fulnefs of their ads ; his inflicting hardnefs of heart as a punifhment to former fns ; his direhing and order- ing great tins to great good, as yofph's R r r i ven-