Chain of Trincïples. 19 a mocker, Prong drink is raging, and .01ho- Exerc. . foever is deceived thereby is not wife; Upon Pro "2°,1' thy Magazines and Wardrobes, that of our Saviour Lay not up for your Pelves Mat h,F,=3: reafures on earth , where moth and ruse Both corrupt, where theeves break through and feal. Write upon thy Counting- houfes that of Habakkuk Wo to him Habak.z.6, that increafth that which is not his how long? and to him that ladeth bimjel fwith thick clay. Thy Play:houfes that of Paul, Lovers ofpleature more then lovers 2, Tini. 3.4, ofGod. Thy banquetting houles, that of the fame holyApofile, Meatsfor the belly and the belly for meats, but God (hall = oor.E.13, deftroy both them and it; Yea upon all thine Accommodations that of the Preacher , 4/i is vanity and vexation ofEccles. 1.14; EXER.-