20 Aph. i. Kai. 36. 7, 8. a Chain ofPrinciples. EXERCITATION 2. A glols upon Pfalme 36.8. God in Christ afcul- ftisfyin objet. The circular motion of hu- mane ouls , and their onely reg. A threefold film;ofGodand Christ oppofte to the threefold vanityof the creatures. 4.1. THat that! we then fay V V Are the fons of men in whom fuch flrong delires and long- ings after bleffednefs are implanted left without all possible means of at, taining that in which rational! appe- tites may acquiesce ? God forbid. They (hall be abundantly fatisfied, with the fat ne/s of thy bou/, and thou [halt make them drink of the river ofthy pleafures : fo Da- 'yid to God concerning fuch as put their trufl under the fliadow of his wings. Creature-comforts are but lean bief fngs in comparison , there is a fatnefs in Gods houfe,fuch as fatisfies,and that abundantly. They afford but drops, Chrift a river of pleafures. Look as when an Armyofmen comes todrink at