Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

. chain o f Principles. 23 point from whence they iffued,which Exerc. 2. is the bofome of God himfelf. Fifhes are faid to vifit the place of their ípawning yearly as finding it moff commodious for them ; and fick pa- tients are ufually fent by phyficians to their native foil for the fucking in ©f that air from which their firft breath was received. Heaven is the place 8E as iì;ß, where fouls were produced ; the fpi- a«iNr aßá rit of manwas at first breathed in by the Father of %pirits and cannot ac- quiefce till he be enjoyed, and heaven in him. 4. . Witnefs was born to this J truth by the Amen the faithfull and true witnefs when fpeaking of thofe whom the Father had given him, he uttered that remarkable affertion, This John 17,3 is life eternall that they may know thee,,and 7efus Chri whom thou hall fent. Al% whenhe made his followers that pro- mile of refr, Come unto me all ye that la- Mat`h,'Y hour, and are heavy laden, and 1 will give you t ell. Take my yoke upon you,. &c.. and. Ye