Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ei Chain ofPrinciples. in an agony the body languifheth. Satans buffeting Paul with blafphe- mous thoughts as fore conceive proved a thorn to his flei'h. On the other fide, if the outward man be torments ed, the inward is wont tobe difmaied, even to failing ofheart. The Stoicks indeed thole magnificent boafrers, talkof an Apathie, andPlutarch tells us that 4geMaud whenhe lay fick ofthe gout,and Carneades, who came to vifit him obferving what pains he con- Hided with, was about to leave him as one not in cafe to be fpoken to, bad him flay, andpointing at once to his own feet and tohis heart laid, Nothing comes from thence hither; as if his minde were no whit difquieted for all the fufferings of his flefh. But far better men thenanyof them have born wit - nefs to the contrary. Our fled had no refs, but De mere troubled on every fide; without There fightings, irithin Tere fears.. So Paul. David in one of his Palms thus O Lord heal me, for. my bones are Vexed; 11 Exerc. 3. z C r.1 o7cóTO-4. ?n Qcr,c)4. Mane Carnea. des, 209il mirra illinc ¡Jac per- venir. z Cor.y.5, Pfai.6. z, ,