Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

if Chainof Principies. 33 Such a rock is our God, and that even Exerc., in fuch a cafe as hath. been defcribed. §. 3. Hezechia.h whom God had La, 3,T' chofen to life was lick unto death. Lazarus whom Jefus loved, fickned Jahn x i.. . and died. Timothy had his often infir- Tim.5. z3. inities. The Pfalmiffs flefh failed him, or, to fpeak in Pauls phrafe, his out Z Cor.4a6, ward man perifhed ; yet God mean. while was the rock and ftrength of his lick fervants heart. Firfl by pre- ferving therein anexpectation of fuck fruit as faints ufe to reap from fuch tryals. Fruit which relates partly to fin-and partly to grace. To fin by wayof cure. Difeafes when fanc`tified drain the inward as well as the out- ward man, and help to fpendout the bad humours ofboth. Sicknefs ( faith Ifidore) woundeth the flefh,but healeth 'mot/fa c°rpo- is media the minds; is the bodies malady, but arnimrea. eg- uune the fouls medicine. For inflance ïcm vulneras, weaknefs kills the itchof worldlinefs, meirnusrat. Ifidor.l b ;, .- Let pleafure open all her limps and den un Sui prefent a fick man with her choiceilr F rari-