34 Aph. . G:n.sS.; b. Job33 17. .Ab. Set-thews Idca Condon. rfaiæ cap.9. pag. 1q7 In avne Inviai;= mi t=.rnlwrr. a,nofe e no- /L:Jat, &c. Chain ofPrinciples. rarities : Let Mammon bring forth all his bags and gingle them in his ears produce all his Crowns Sce- ptres, Mitres, and lay them at his feet hove ready will he be tocry out, Away 'kith them. Behold I am at the point to die ( as Efau once reafoned and what can thefe vanities profit me ? The like may be laid of felf.confidence and pride which are allo frequently atiti- doted by difeafes. A fpeciall end (as Elibutells yob) which God aims at in his chaftening with pain is to hide pride fromman, that is, to remove it, as what we hide is removed out offight.. AChril$ian Emperour, one ofthe Per dinands , when his Chaplain. Matthiars. Oittardtts carne to vifit him as he lay upon, his death-bed, and according to the mode of the Court flyledhim molt Invincible Emperour. , finding himfelf overcome with frcknefs would not admit of that compellation, but char. ged him not to ufe it more : where- upon the Chaplainmade his next ad drefs