AChain of Principles. 37 den wherein Chrift lay prorateupon Exerc. 3 the ground, in our fits ofhis Agony, in our fweats of his water and blond.; theconfideration ofhis torments, and of our intere& in them, may well mi- tigate the fenfe of our prefent fuffer- ings, if not wholly fwallow themup, as llarons rod devoured thole of the magicians.Art thou affl.iaed with fore pain in this or that part? He had had ly any member free. Are thy fpirits feeble and faint Hisvery foul was ex- Matt6.26.38. ceedingly Jorroufull even unto death.. Dolt thou cry My God, myGod, why haft thou affli&:ed me ? Jefus cryed with a loud voice, 2Vby God, my God,why haft thou Matth.z7.46. forfahen me 4. 6. Yeabut howmanife& foever it be that when thefle(h faileth theheart maybe ftrengthened, how the heart it jel f fhouldSail andyet be ftrengthened is not fo evident. I am therefore to make it appear in the next place ; that thefe two chides, My heart faileth, and God is thefirennth ofmy heart, may both F3 be