f1 Chain of Principles. 39 another caufe, namely God, who ea- Exerc.. lily can, and ufually loth fupply fuch effetual grace as is able to keep the head above water, when the refit ofthe body is under it, able to preferve the Spoufe in a poflure of leaning upon her Cant. . beloved in a wildernefs; to make one with Abraham beleeve in hope. againfl Rom.4.i8. hope, and fay with Job Though he kill Job i 3. 5. ;ne,yet will l trufl in him. Faith can fup- port when Nature 'brinks ; call God father when he frowns ; and make force difcovery of a fun through the darkefh cloud. When it fees no light it may feel Tome influence, when it cannot clone with a promife,it may lay hold upon an attribute and be ready to make this profefsion, `` Though both "my flefh andmy heart fail yet di.- "vine compafsions fail not. Though. " I can hardlydifcern at prefent either " fun, or moan or fears, yet will I call &` anchor in the dark, and ride it out till the daybreak. Time was when onah faid,,`1 am cafl out ofthy fight, but Jonah Z. 4,7-r added.