Chain ofprinciples. EXERC1TAr1ON 4. The firft Inference grounded upon Ifaiah 55.r, a. byway of invitation, backed with three encouragements to accept it, viz. The fulneß of that foul -fatisfat ion which Godgiveth , the univerfality of its tender, and the freenef?of its communication. The fecund by way ofexpoflu- lation, and that both, withworldlingsand faints. conclufion by way of f liloquy. §.t. N the fynagogues of old upon theeighthday oftheFeafI ofTa- bernacles, called by the Jews Igofanna Pabbah the great Hofanna, and by the Evangeliít, The laß day, thegreat day off(.7.37 id. Luov, de the feaji four portions of Scripture Dieu n iC. were wont to be read. viz. Thedole of the fifth bookof Mofes, called Deu- teronomy, the lafí words of the Prophet Malachy, thebeginningof 7ofhua and that paffage concerning So/onions riling up from his knees after his prayer, and blefsing the people with a loud voice in the eighth chapter of the firfl book of Kings. Then did Jefiis, who was the end of the Law and the prophets, G z Lie 43 Exerc. q..