Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain ofprinciples. EXERC1TAr1ON 4. The firft Inference grounded upon Ifaiah 55.r, a. byway of invitation, backed with three encouragements to accept it, viz. The fulneß of that foul -fatisfat ion which Godgiveth , the univerfality of its tender, and the freenef?of its communication. The fecund by way ofexpoflu- lation, and that both, withworldlingsand faints. conclufion by way of f liloquy. §.t. N the fynagogues of old upon theeighthday oftheFeafI ofTa- bernacles, called by the Jews Igofanna Pabbah the great Hofanna, and by the Evangeliít, The laß day, thegreat day off(.7.37 id. Luov, de the feaji four portions of Scripture Dieu n iC. were wont to be read. viz. Thedole of the fifth bookof Mofes, called Deu- teronomy, the lafí words of the Prophet Malachy, thebeginningof 7ofhua and that paffage concerning So/onions riling up from his knees after his prayer, and blefsing the people with a loud voice in the eighth chapter of the firfl book of Kings. Then did Jefiis, who was the end of the Law and the prophets, G z Lie 43 Exerc. q..