Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

.iChain of Principles. Aph. t.. any contradióion to that claufe buy 'ithout money 'and without price, becaufe our labour can no waymerit his blef.- fìngs. As when a Schoolmafter teach- eth a boygratis, the youth cannot pof fìbly attain to learningunlefs hebe in- duffrious, and take pains at his book; but it doth not ,therefore ceafe to be free on the teachers part, becaufe the learners pains are required. So it is here. Yet forme in all ages have been fo, vain as to dreamofbringing their mo- ney with them whenever they come;. I mean that, which if not in it felf, yet in their opinion feems to deferve what they come for.. So the Pharifees of old and the Papifts of late. Info- Emptioelidif- much as Cornelius ei lapide in his coin- poftio liberi a,bitrii. ment upon this very place, which maketh altogether for the contrary. datrine,countenanceth the popiíh.te- zmi.tttr.pretio rents of free-will and merit of con- non condign°, ,fed cong,uo. gruity. So Elephants they fay , are wont before they drink to bemudthe water,-