Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

.44 Chain of Principles. 53 water, which, if it were fuffered to re- Exerc. 4. main clear, would difcover their de- formity to them. 4. 6. I proceed to the Expoflulati- on contained in the next words, Where fore do yefiend money for that which is not bread, and your hbour for that which fai tisfieth not ? Words applicable both to worldlings, and to fuck beleevers as have not yet got clear of the world. Firft to worldlings who manifeftly fpend not their money onely, but their fouls for that which is not bread. In the Lords prayer Bread is put for all neceffaries, and ufed in the Lords fup- per to fignifie the abfolute necessity of receiving Chrift, by whom fpiritual life is fupported, as the natural life is by bread. Now the accommodations doted upon bymenof the world, and often purchafed with the lofs of lal- vation arejutly faidnot to be bread, becaufe they are neither absolutely ne- ceffary to be had, nor able to fupport filch as enjoy them. mans life, faith 3 oUT