el Chain of Principles. 55 was their cafe; if the Jefuites relation Exerc. 4. of the magicians art and fad may be credited. Such entertainment doth this prefent world afford its principal gueífs. They are not fed with fatisfy- ing fubítances, but with deluding flu- doves rather. Surely every man walked) in Kai. 39. 6. a vain thew, Jurely they are difquieted in vain. David fpeaks it of fuch as heap up riches : ofwhom altoSolomon faith, The richmans wealth is his flrong city, and Pr"' z8. as an high wall in his ovnconceit. A ífrong city in his conceit, but indeed a caí}le in the air. One that applies the fcaling ladders ofScripture and reafon to fuch walls may eafily climb fo high as to reachand pull down thole eníignes of vanity,whichmakes fuch a flouriíh on the battlements thereof. Sooner íhall men gather grapes of thorns and figs of thifties then finde that a fountain ofall good to any foul, the love where- of Paul path branded for the root ofall Tim.6 evil. It drowns in perdition ; how can it then crown with happinefs e Oh that. ever