Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

X11 ChainofPrinciples. APH0 1 S iri E i í. e are conducted, to the fruiti -- onofGod in Chrift by Chri- ftian Religion contained in the divine oracles of holy Scripture. XERC1TìTION 1. The fife co;duEt of Saints, fignified by the pillar in Exodus, performed by the courzfl ofGodhisa- Exerc. r. ; fill', the abridgement whereofwe have in the doarine of chriflian ,Religion. How that tends to `blednefs. . 1. -1 Here is no pofsibility of °y arriving at Bleffednefs without á fafe condudt, nor at glory without guidance ; No infallible guidance but by the counfel of God himfelf. All which the Pfah miff is like to have had in his eye when in his humble addrefs toGod he expreffeth himfelf in this manner, I Thou