Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Warning to 2. You have the Contents of the Ep iftle, in the five following vertes ; wherein you have, I . A commendation, in the 2, 3, and 6th.verfes. 2. An exception, which im-. 5 plies a reproof, v.4. 3. An exhortation in the Text, v. 5. 3, The third branch of theEpifle, viz. the Epilogue or conclu fon of it, v. 7 He that bath an eare, let him hear what the Spirit faith to the Churches. That which.4 rvriten to one,. isfoken to all. My Text falls among the Contents of the Epiífle, and is the third part thereof, viz. the exhortation backt with a threatning. In the exhortation you have three things required. f I. A fight and fente of their 1 fin; 2,,emember therefore Ifrom whence thou art fallen, I 2 . A repentance for their fin ; 1 1 emcmber and repeat. 3'