Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Warning to it be good or evil;tkhow thy works, &c. 2. obf. That per fans may be prais'd to their difpraife :- they may be com- mend ed to the it difcornmendation I know thy works, brit, or Nevertheleffe. A mans praife is ever the lefe,when he is prat/d with a Neverthelef To commend with abut, is but to dif# commend. To fay, filch a man was a meek man, was an humble man, was an holy man, is not a praife, but a dif- praifc; you did run well, who kin - dred you? Such an one was good, but plantain; vivatatus ab i/lo e the man is not what he was. Praifes with ex- ceptions ale (little better then ) dif- paragemcnts, Nevertlele J e, &c. 3 . obf The good we have done' will not excufe the bad we do do; mod will not put the good in one ba- lance, and the bad in another, and make allowances of the bad for the goods fakes No, its no excufe at all to EpheJ s,that file had Iabour'd, and that he had wrought,. when it can be laid,