Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Warning to contradi&ion, (hall be pardon'd with a contradition; to repent and conti- nue in fin, is repentance with a contra - diaions to be pardon'd and go to hell, is a patdon with a contradiecion ; filch repentance, filch pardon; Do then the Errai marks 4: If backfliders do not remera ber and repent , and reforme , their doom will be fad at the coming of Christ. He will come, but to their cota and torment, for he will take a- way their candleilick, and caft them into outer darknefire Elfe d will cogne The firff of thefe four is the Propo- fition which I (hall fpeak unto,viz. That for a people to remember from 'whence they are fallen, doth very much conduce to their recovery and reffauration. In the handling whereof, I (hall Phew, . What it is to remember. 2.That to remember doth conduce to recovery. .Hoav