Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
i111111/MMEIN ,fÌ Warning to i. Gdds owne Tefl irnony, 2. The experience of fallen ones or back Hiders them ['elves. a. God himfelfe, who is truth, (peaks the truth and cannot lie,tells us fo much in yerem ,8, 5,6. Why then is this people of eru falemflidden back with aperpetualbackfliding ? they hold fi deF cittbey refufe to return, i hearkened and heard, brit they fpa&e not aright; no marl r4iented him of his wickednef , fay. ing , What have i done: As much as if he had laid , How comes it to paí%? what's the reafon? why is ir, that no man repented of his wickedneffe ?'Tis, faith he becaufe no man asked himfelf, What he Ad done? no man rerraembred fron whence he was fallen; no man did fo much as confider his wayes, nor oft an eye back upon his former converfation, No max faid, What have I done. This remembring is a reflex ad,'tis a kinde of catechizing the foul,putting queries to a mans heart: Now faith he,tbere is MM.
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