Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

Eackf ßider,c. is no man doth this, they call not to mind,nor lay to heart their backdi- d ings. They that minde not what they` have done, are not like to mingle what theyJhoulddo. The fun of it amounts to this,that if men did but remember from whence they werefàllen,'twere fcarce pofible , but they fhould re- pent,return and do their first works. 2. Befides Gods Tefisnaony, you flualt have another to fecond it, (that out of the mouth of two witneffes this word may be eflablifht) & that is,thc experience of backfliders or fallen ones. That in Hof .7. is a pregnant infance: T ben pall fhe fay I will go and retwrne to my firfl husband; Why fey; aii you why, there is good reafon for it; For then it was better with me then now. Here yon fee,that calling to miude from whence fhe was fallen, ingaged her to return54 will return, for it r'ar bitter, &c. Go where we will, we shail never fpeed fo well as in walking, with- i x- r.r ,---- ,,,,-