Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
misememu A Warning to It works upon us thefe three wayes.' By way of'halm. It works z. B) way offear. 3. By way ofingenuity. 1. The re membering from whence we arc fallen, works upon us by mak- ing de of thatihame and fhamefac'd- neffe which is in man. Man Of not haraenedby fin) is a modeft creature , and will blufh at a fault when he fees it, Now when he comes to remember what he once was and now is nor; and what he once did, and noW cloth not; what he once enjoyed , and is' now deprived thereof; the man is a- ihamed,and bethinks himfelf to returne for very fhame. You know when a man bath had the name and fame of a valiant man, and fhall now be repined, and report ed a coward, he will need no other fpur then flume for the quickening of him, to approve h imfelf a man that may recover his fir( honour.. Shaine bath a very great influence 011' - - -- /OF
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