Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

iSacrt j icier$. x9' what occafion have I given you that you (hould not love me now as at the firít?what reafon can you pro- duce for your Apoftafie, and for, your falling from your fiat love ? am not I as lovely as ever, and as loving as ever ? for fo God reafons with them in the latter end of that Chapter : b generation , Ó vile,fool -, 1ih, reafonleffè generation fie the Word of the Lord, gain -fay it if you can; have I ken a rvildernffe unto I frael, or a land of darlinef e ? If fo,: you have fonie occalion to revolt and turn away backward; but if not, wherefore then fay my people, what reafon have my people to fay , we will come no more to thee? Oh what a fhameful thing (faith God) is this, that a people fhould go from a God that never did, them hurt,' but good all their dayes? A:. God,who when they wanted bread,° fed them , when they wanted wa- ter, (mote the rock, and gave them' t' 2 drink'