Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
A Darning to upon them, and be their portion 5 very .feare( I fay) ingages them to re- turne. And my beloved, God Both allow in us this principle of fear; none of the faculties or atfefions of man are extin- guiihed, hut all made ufe ofin work - ing man God -ward; God Both not on- ly make ufe of a mans modefly, &love, and ingenuity , but he makes ufe alto of that fearfulneffe that is in man : and therefore you (hall finde , that Chriíf him1Hf(furely not for nought)givesthis rule to his own Disciples : Fear not him that can kill only the body ,brit fear him that can ta4e foul and body and throe them into hell, I fay unto you Fear him. And as the Apoftle faith, fo may I, Knowing the terror ofthe Lord, we per - fwade men Knowing what a dreadful' thing'trs to fal l into the hands ofthe living Cod, we perfwade men to remember from whence they are fallen, and to repent. 3. But then thirdly, remembring from ,F
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