Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

.BacJ7iders. from whence we are fallen, works up- on our ingenuity too.Man is a very do- cible and teachable creature, and is exceedingly wrought upon by coure tefies and kindnen; Now when a foul fees, that God doth not only threaten him , in cafe he do nor come in, that he Mall be damned ; but allo promifes him in cafe he do come in, that he (hall be welcome, that he fhall be faved ; this fo works upon mans in- genuity , that he cannot finde it in his heart to íland it out againít fuch a God A Gm! of love and kindneífe, who promifes all the entertainment that love can make for poor fouls; and,oh Lord,how fwect will that be ! God deals not with man after the manner of men, jer. 3. I. 7 "hey ¡ay, ( faith God)Ifa man put away his wife, and fhe go from him ,and became another mans,fhall fie return again No, fay they , by no means; But I fay,Thoss and though thou haft plaid the harlot with mall lovers ; yet come, and welcome to C4 mar,