Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

BackfliBeers. eyes (Iuf is ient witneffes have feen bow the Lord hid delivered thee into mine hands ,and fonse bade me kil thee(would I have obferved the opportunity of providence, or attended to countel, I had fun thee, ) but mine eye rpared thee, (whole eye fpared not me,) and' Çaid, I will notput forth mine hand a- gainft my Lord, ( though my Lord hash put forth his hand against time. ) Moreover,my i~ ather,(ifthou doubt it) fee, yea, fee the skirt of thy Robe in my hand, for ire that 1 cot off the skirt of thy Robe, and killed thee not; know thou and fee,(for'tis undeniably true) that there is no tranrgreffion in my hand,that I bave riot finned, (as'tis charged u pan me,as if I fought not only the Crown, but the Kings life, that I might have his head, and then the Crown,) and if nor, Why, Oh why huntefl thou my foil i.e. my lee, to take it? . Here is D: - YIDS plea. Let us now Ice the iffue and fucuffe thereof, veri. i 6. it came to pate, when David had made an end of speaking