Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
4 Warning to peaking the fe tvordes, that Saul (melt. ing and weeping) Paid, Is this thy voice, my fon (oh my fun) David, and Saul lift up his voice and wept, and he Paid (yea, and had caufe to to David, Thouart more rigthteous then I: (and he proves it cleady thus,) Fer thou haft rewarded me good, whereas I rewarded thee evil, and thou haft (de- monarativeiy) f hewed thisday,that thou haft dealt well with me; for as mrtch as when the Lord had delivered me into thine hand,t hou did, not kill me;`which he wondred at upon this account) if a man finde his enemy, will he let bìm go well away? Oh no, and at laft,faith the Text, Saul went home; Saul 'corned ro befo bate to hunt after David, life anymore; No, but Saul went home. Why now hereis the cafe , the very cafe,(my beloved; weare all every one of us a backflidden man, that's fallen 1ntothe hands of God; He might have cut off our heads, but (oh mercy!) he only cuts off the skirt of our gare ments,
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