Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
1 .3ackflider °. merits, and when he hath done, he fhewes it us, and then askes us, Oh ye'inners, ye finners, how can yeo hunt after my Glory? how can ye hunt after my Name? how can ye break my hol y Commandments? with what face dare ye do thefe things? Now I fay,very ingenuity makes the foul to cry out as Saul did, Is this thy voice,O my God,: is this thy voice? have I ( alas, I have) done wicedly,I will do fo no more; I will go home, LOF D, I will go home. I will hunt after thy Name, and thy Glory no more; for thou (oh love!) though thou didil finde me thine enemy, yetdidfl thou let me go well away. Oh, faith Ingenuity, Thal l I now be an enemy to ttye God, that hath been a friend to me? God forbid. Ah no,I will go home. Take but one inflance of this over- coming confideration, wherein you Tali fee backfliders returning upon this .
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