Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

Bachfliders. "hrifliatorleathens,for by their praaice both may be (aid; is it not a lha me that it fhould be faid, no children fo rude fo vile, fo abuling the Name of God: as them that will be(forfooth)the molt eminent Profelrours, and of them that have attained (in pretenzion ) to more iteps then ordinary heaven-ward ? 8 ftt in the ninth place, IX.Saints at their fill comi,v in to God in the beginning oftheir days they were vifible Saints, he that did run ing3 read an alteration. Alas! the saints ate grown invifible,and are they not fallen?, Tertmllian tells us that ChrillianA were, known by the amendment of their lives ; noman fo meek as the Chrillian,' no man fo humble as the Chriftian , no man fo holy as the Chiltian fo jufk, fo upright, fo faithfull as the Cnriftian5 they were known all the world over by being the bell men, they were vifible Saints; a man might have read the image of JESU3 CUBIST in themdsid the verteus of their tare, erts-