Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

54 Wartung to makes a Sairitvble, a vifible Saint for my Ri,igion, in the 14 place, X- wilts a the firi? taming in to 7ersa ,wcre very choice of their company, and of their communion;they were not eve. ty bodies fellow,at leaft every body was not theirs. Saith Taal, J am crucified to this vvorld,1 and the world is crucified to me; am even with it,(faith he) i pay it in its own Come ; the meaning of it is this, the world thtnks not the Saints worthy of their com- pany and the Saints think not the world worthy of theirs. At fits they were very choice of their fociety 'twas a vexation to their lout to live in Sodome, an hell to them. tó be with Mejek, and to have their habitation in the tents of Kedar ; they Would not be umongft the crowde, nor go with amultirude CO do evil. They were in very truth Separatias , that is,men that did withdraw from fin and fin- nets ; mean no faaion,nor this, nor that ; but (f fay)thel: were truly Separatills men that feparated from finne and finners. You have fornewha.c in one of Fauls Epifiles as an anfwer to that queftion x Cor. 5, 9. It feems the (poor touts)were very fhie of their company, what company they kept and therefore faith he, 1 write to you not to keep company With Fornico!ors yet not with the F or-