Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
Backf liders. have again') thee, and thou haft left thy fdrfl norkes. Former f,uitfulnefs will be no excufe for prefent barreraneff:; former induftry will not plead for any mans prefent idlenefre; a good begin- ning will never make amends for a bad end. If the latter end be wort : then the beginning,it had been better for them, they had never knowne: the way of righteoufneffe, then when they have known it, to depart from the holy Commandment, I have aJaiNfl thee &c, 4. obf. That when Jove decayes, our works decay; he layes all upon this: Thou' haft left thy fir/ love. As is our love of Cod, fuch will be our obedience unto God. ¡four love be quick and lively, our 1 ife will be full of good W0110 ; but if once love de- çline,works will decay,for faith it felf worked) by love, Thou haft left thy firfl love. S Qbf That God loth not Nike without warning, God Both not fur - 3 price
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