Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Warning tq prife his creatures, nor fall upon them at an unawares,but he gives them no- tice of his coming, before he comes; he admoniflaeth before he threatens. Remember, (faith he )or elf 1 spill come. God doth not take advantage againíf poor hnners, nor deal with them ac- cording to their iniquities; for then, who could ftand? but God, though he might uke his Sword, will yet de his Word, and therefore gives them no- tice before-hand5 and this is the very reafon given by Peter why god makes not baffle to defiroy the world, becaufe(alth ht )God is longfuffering, not willing that any fhould perifh, but that all fhould come to repentance; Repetit,or el fe d rill come). 6. ûbr If Gods admonitions do nor take with us Gods threatnings will certainly take hold of us ; if we do not hear his Word, we fhall undoubtedly feel his Sword ;ifyou do not repent., will (without doubt,certainly I will) come, and rernovc thy candleflicl , &c, : ---