Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
is tá- Then Pat ¡bolt remember :hi wales. Now the flhamearifeth upon this accourir, that a man fhould fall from that duty,that love and fervice from which he lath no reafon, nor fhadow, nor pretence of reafon to fall. iris the me unreafonable thing in the world to fare again" God; and if man be ask 'd why he fins ? he mutt for ever fpeechleffe, that is ,, filent, not having any reafon to give, any thing to fay why he fhould depart from God. Thus God difputes it with back Aiding Ifrael, Jer. 2. Thus faith the Lord, What iniquity have your father,fou'nct un me , that they are gone far from me , and have wall® edafter vanity? As if God had faid, What evil have I done ? as Chrift faid, For which, of my good works do you lone me ?' What have you to lay to my eharge ?° what
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