Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
Turning to drink, He was no rvìlderraefTe to them in the wildernefe ; While they were in a barren land, God was fruittul- nefíe to them , he rained Manna from Heaven, and fed them with Angels food, and gave them Honey out of the rock, &c. Now after this expoftulation , when a man refleEting upon himfelf, Mall look back upon, and read over his wayes, and then finde I had no reafon to break the holy , jufl and good commandments of my God; I can give God no account why I fhould returne to folly, why I fhould walk after vanity ¿p- ing vanities, why I fhould forfake my firít love; What follows here- upon , but (hone and blufhing? fo that for very fhame, the man re- pents and =turtles to do hif firsi works. 2. Ilermembring from whence we are fallen, works upon us by way
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