Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
ic Backf lirders. bow well it was with man then, when he flood before God, having no clo- thing but "his innocency; and therefore needed not to be afhamed though na- ked; no fin, no!hone. Certainly, my beloved,it is not with us, ala=s,it ò not wrtb its, our blufhing tells us that it is not with us, as when we came out of the hands of God 5 Our feare alfo tells us, that it is not with us, as when God made us 5 if God fhould come to us, as he did to Adam , and fay, 1idam, where art thou where art thou, O man I am afraid; that he would finde(os wellas make) us afraid; hewould finde us running be- binde the trees of the garden to fhelter our delves, and fay, 1 heard thy voice, and w as afraid. Now I fay, let us call to mind from whence we are fallen, for we are all Renegadoes, we are all degenerated, we è f all hidden back, & fallen down into a iucpith, earthly condition ; oh let us dookbackagain to Parade fe, and let our , 1
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