Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
Backfliders. thy foul,, and the things of this world more then the things of ecernity and eternal life, thou art fallen. o re- member from whence thou art f cllen.. Souls had . wont to be fo taken up with the. longing after communion. with God, that they were farce at leifure to bellow their looks upon the worlds vani.ty; ll tho.0 . now at Ieifure,to bellow 'thine heart, thou art . fallen o remember then from whencetho. art fallen.. , is is a very glorious ; frame that is . mentioned concerning our forer fathers, in the ith. of the Hebrerves, Abraham, and 7faac, and Jacob, in the 13 th .ver f. There all died is faith, not having received the prorr1 fes 5 but ha- ving feen them a far off, w ere per fill ad ed o fthem, and embraced them, (to em- brace a promile at a thoufànd years . di fiance, two thouland year s di{lance . that is noble faith.;) rtnd confe/fed Oat, tbçy mere ftrangers and . pilgrims of the. earth ; for they that fay fuch things, do I cl re 33 r A
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