Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

34 A Warning to Clare plainly that they feel( Countre7. (Mark )their whole bufines was to go home to God, all their travel in this world, was to travel heaven -ward they make no more ufe ofthis earth, but toiet their feet on it, and walk +bn heaven-ward)they declared plain= ¡y; no Demoni #ration is more evi- denr,then that Abrahar,and lfaac,and Jacob fought a Countrey; that they were not taken up with the things of this world,they fought a countrey: Now(my beloved) if we are corne to this, that we declare plainly, that we fit down and build our houfes, & our Palaces,and out Cities,as if this were to be our ref} are tre not fallen: Surety if Abraham, and lfaac,and Jacob were falive,they would blufh to fee Profef. fours in our dayes, that Pilgrims Mould take up their abode on earth Well then, Remember from whence thou art fallen,and go to thy old wont again ; look after, goodneffe more then`greatnetfe,and communion with, God - t: