Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

11111111111VINI ¡3ackf ciders. pretence of fearing a Covenant of Works,have thrown away the Works of the Covenant' O remember from whence ye are fallen , and to your firíi works againei up and be doing, be as induftrious(as ever)at hearing, and praying, for it is for your fouls. But then, I I I. Beicevers and profcffors at firfi, when they began to be Saints, though they prayed, much and heard muck they thought it all but little yea, all nothing, unlefáe they enjoyed God in all thefc5 if they at any time canoe to the wells, and found no waters, they Lye away %hamed;ifthey had come to her, come to prayers,' and have not enjoyedGod,have not foild their hearts wrought upon , to be made the more humble & the more holy byir; they have gone fighing ay way,& with groans they have depare ted from the very Throneof Graces well then, but if now thou canft be contented with bare hearing,though D 3 thot 37