Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
38 4 Warning to thou be never the better for it, and with bare praying, though never the better for it;I tell thee thou art falen, o remember from whenoe thou art fallen, and to thy firfl rworle main. Never think that the work is done till thou be drawen neerer to God by ir, (as the Apoftle faith) fo order it, that all your meetings may be for the better ,and not for the warp. Now when are our meetings for the better,but whenwe are the better Tor our meetings? What is it to draw near to God in prayerl ',if we be not drawn nearer to God by prayers \VVhat is it to go and aske for humility, and abide, proud togo and aske for heavenly mindednefre, and abide earthly ?what is this? will bare praying argue the fouls communion with God? No,but when a fohle is cafe` into the mould of his prayer, and hath cnioyed the frame he bath prayed for, then he may fay he bath had communion with God, and therfore(I fay)re turn to
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