Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
Backf lider c. to your firft works ; never think hearing and praying enough, unlef1e you have your God in,and the work of God upon your hearts.But then, I V. Chriflians primitive, (let me call them primitive Chrif}ians) at their firf'l coming in to God, all their ex- prefions to God and man are genuine natural, without Art, ceremony or complement; they deal down- right, plainly and honeflly with God and man5their prayers toGod,they are not a heap of words, but a flreame of af- fe&ion ; they are not a multitude of expreffions,but breathings and long- ings of' foul after God; their heart firft fpeaks their words,and then their words (peak their hearts to God,they feel what they do; 1, but now, if thy expretfions to G od be matter of A and matter of complement; if tho put God off with a parcel of goo language, thou art fallen. Time was when thy heart fpake firs, if now thy tongue run before D tby 3P
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