Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
40 A Warning to thy heart, thou art fallen. '0 remold& to do thy firfl works again. And as to men their expreffions were as honeít, and as cordial, and as finale as to God ; they fpake what they meant and they meant what they fpakes they did not fpeak every on'e to his neighbor, with a heart and "a heart: I am afraid we have too fad a caufe to make complaint with the Prophet in the 12th. P!al. Fell), Lord, the godly man ceafeth, the faithfafailes from a-; mong the children of men; they fpeak vanitie every one with his neighbour,whh flatteiinz lip:c, and with a double tongue' do they_#ea4... a heart & a heart,that is, they fó fpeak, that a man doth not know them when they fixak: A man can lay do more fireffe upon their words,then upon the winds they give One as good words as any ih the WOrld, and 'on 6 hugges himfelfe to think, o this will come to romething, and Al there words -Comd to nothing. This was riot at &P.-, men made: rcience MIN
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