Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Warning to 1° tell you the truth? O forgive me this wrong. I leek to fave you,& you Peek tò undo me; pardon me that wrong. (j beloved) I durft ask many a foul,whether if ever they knew Jefus Chrift indeed and in truth, God did not de fome or other Minifter of the Gófpel to bring them in? I fay gener- ally; if fo , why then thould not that be as defrable to bring thee up that was deferable when it brought thee in?Is it an injury to help thee heaven- ward :' doth it do thee any, wrong to fave thy foul ? if fo, be their enemie, though they tel thee the truth;but it it do good to thee, and to fave thy foul be a courtefìe, make much ofthem. If God should take away the Candle - flick , ör the Candle out ofthe flick, thou would'ft with for it again ; but if any be otherwife minded, letme tell them,they are fallen ; and let me be- feéch them to remember from whence they are fallen ,and to repent,and do their firß works .But in the fixth place, VI.