Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

6 A Warning to pitch,& touch it nor, left they fhould be defiled! how (hie were they of looking u pon the wine , when it was red in the glaffe! & ifa garment were but (ported with the fief-1i, O at what a di(tance would they ítand ! Now(My beloved)i fit be not fo,you are fallen;ifyon have loft this tender- neffe,and loft this confciencioufneffe; and can now make bold, not only with the appearances of evil, bnt with appearing evil,& apparent evils, are yore not fallen," Time was when you were afraid to look like á proud perfon, what now to be a proud per fon,is it not to fal think ye? Time was when they were afraid, left their car- riage fhould give any body to think they were wanton; 1, but now to car- ry it like wantons, is it not to fall? My beloved, I befeech you, remember your firít works, that good tender teffe and bleeding of foul at but a touch of fin.Againe, VII .They were not only watch-! full