Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
1.1111111111111111W / _ BackJlirlers. 47 full over themfelves, fearful' to of- fend,and 6lef ed is that man that foe fear - eth aiwayes ;but they were allo watch- full over their brethren, ove r one an- other, they were their brothers keep ers; I, and would not in any wages futfer fin upon their brother: and I muff profííe,1 do not know wherein profeffors are more fallen then in this, It is true indeed, they watch, but is it not for one anothers haltings It is true indeed , they will reprove but is it not with reproaches:' Saints had wont to go like sheen and 7aphet, backward to cover the nakednef s of their brothers; and now like wicked Cain, who can faffeft difcover their brothers nakedneflé? and O what a fine thing it is,if they can but find an- other as bad as themfelves, as if ano- ther mans fn would juftifie them,and free them from condemnation! Moreover, if thefe fouls in the dayes of old, could not pine their brothet by exhortation,or coun(el,or re-
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