Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654 Back f àders. uorne! 1, and travel again till ChriO were formed in them; O! how would they befeech the Lord , that their fer- vants might ferve God? ti chat care there was to make every one in the Family a. Saint,a holy wife, a holy child, & a ho- ly fervanr, to have a Church in a iioufe? You know., GOD called 4bral an: his fritid,wh y ?I know, be Iva teat i his ail- area fe sa irh f c h% part s o r vhfit oa to nh gooc,but i rry ZQnf SFr s' ferve t e Lord. O,what care time was among the old Profeffors,the o1dParitans(yo cal'd tbem)to. bring up their children in the fear ,,,fOod,and to look to it, that a vile nerfon fhould not be let into, much leffeabide in their houfe, if they could help it? But now (My be,wvedO is it not the fad complaint that is (and ism bet made, no children more negleaed then Profeffors chil- dren no fervants more negleóed then Profs ffors fervants ? O that this fhould be fpoken in thefe days where there is mote light in words,but(it feems)mo e E dar kneffe 49
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