Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

' 4P "-A./'1 BooK V. ~ Of EleClion CHAP. VII. 1 hat God orders his EleClion fo, as to run in a Jitccejjive Line from Godly Parents to their Children, does not infringe the freedom of Eleflion Grace. That tbir hir way of ACling is confonant to all the Principles of Right Reafon, and agreeable with his other proceed– ings. The admirable Harmony which appears in all his dijpenfatiom towards Men. How comfy a propor– tion there is in tbis truth , that God fhould draw hi; EleGiion and Series of vijible Saintr out of the , Loins .of thofe, who are fucb themfelves , rather than others of Man4!nd; made apparent by a compa– rifon of it with other difpenfationt of Free Gr4ce. NOw becaufe all Gods gracions dealings and difpenfations, though mofi free aAd arbitrary, are yet in wifdom fo ordered , that they are con– . fonant to right Reafon; and though not founded upon it, do yet a– gree with it; we therefore fhall further clear thcfe two things, (and then, \V.e !hall have finilbt this great Point. ) '· That God fhould choofe the Seed of his Elect, and order Election to run in a rigill Line, is no prejudice at all to Free Grace fhewn forth in Ele– Cting, netther contraries any other Principles of his own which he goes by~- It is moll confonant unto, and falls in with all other Principles of rig_ht Reafon , and conformable to other of his Proceedings. Fir!t , It infringes not the Freedom of his Grace, and the Principles he goes by , in Election : For, Fir!\, Election is not founded on it at all, but ex mtro 'Dei fmtt placi– ta; God in EleCtion not firfi confidering thofe Perfons as Children of fuch Pa– rents, as being the motive thereunto; feeingin Election Men came up before him as Crea61I<S, as yet to be Created to fuch a Glory as in Heaven they fhall l1ave; That was the notion which they appeared to him in; God lookt ,to the end 1 of his works at the beginning, in which he was wholly and abfolute– ly Free, only ordaming they fhould go through this World as a Palfage to Glt ry ,he moulded their condition here to many holy ends and refpects, where– in his Love lnould appear: As that they tbould be ordinarily Poor; 110! many wrje 11or t~oble; that they fhould live in fuch Places, and come of fuch Parents. Thefe refpeds were not before Eledion to draw it on, but fubferving it as means to manifefi that his love the more. And fuch is This, that his Elect fhould come out of the Loins of his Elect by his own ordering, which is a ref– pect, that monifdls his love in EleCting the more, both unto the Fathers,and to rhe Children , for which end he ordains it: So as, in the execution and draw:ng forth his Love, thefe refpeets come in, but not as grounds and foun– darions oi it. And thus in a true fen(e, Rom. u . 28. the Jews are faid to be /;tloved fort heir Fathers f ai:es; but net fortheir fakes Eleded. Second-