Of EM/ion. fame Act that it was, when he did it ex ojficio;yct it is Materially the Act of the ~ f,me Man:So ir is not ofthe la~ in officio,asbefore,b(ft yet it is rhe rightcoufnefs Chap. 7, of the Law by which Chrill Jullifies us llill i tliat is, it is the very fame Righ. ~ teoufnefs for the matter of it which the L•w enjoyns; and which if Chrill had nor performed, he hod not juOified us, Then likewife when he fan<f•fies us; he make' ali the ufc of the Law that may !le: He writes it in ihe heart as at lirit; though with new Ink indeed, yet with the fame Letters, and holy difpo~ litions; fo as, tt JS not • .New, but an Old Commandmtnt; •.John 2; 7· Brt• thrtn, I wrttt tts ntw Comm.mdmmt tmtu you,but an oldCommmldme11t which yt h,,d from the 6egim1i11g: the old Commandmmt u the word which yt h:z'llt l•eard from the /Jegi•mi11g. Look how it guided Mlin before; fo it guides him llill, God would make what ufe he could of it, in that work alfo. Yea, and let me add this, That though he bath utterly excluded Works, and Difpofitions of Grace conformable to the Law, from being the ground of Jullification; or of Faith jo(!Jfying us, or which Faith lhould fo look into; yet he bath ordained them to be Evidences of JuOification, and fo a fupport to Faith; .and hath made what ufe might be that way, without prejudice to Grace : So Rom. 7· vtrf. q. to?Jer(. "~· Wanhat tbtn which u good, made dtath zmto md Godforbid. But p,, that it might appearfin, worki11g death i11 mt by that which wgood: thatfin by tpt commandmt1lt might 6tcom'e txcnding jinful. For Wt know that the La-wi< fpiritual: b11t I am carnal, fold undtY jin. For that which I do, I aOow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I h.Jte, that do I. lfthm I do that which I-wo11ld~ot,lconfent u11to the Lawj that it w good, Now then, it wno mort I that do zt: but /in th,>t dweOrth in mr, FoY I know, that inmr, (that u, in mr flrjh) dwe!Jeth tto good thi,g: Fortowi!Juprt[mtwithme : but howto perfoYm thatwhich ugood,Ijilld not. FoY the good that I would, I do not: but the t?Jil which I would !lot; th.lt I do. Now if I do that I wouldnot, it i4 no mort I that do it, but jitt th.Jt dwrOeth in mr. I find thtn a taw, that when I would do good, wit u prt{nzt with me. Fur I dtlight i11 tht Law of God, after tht mward mmz, B ut l {et another t,,w i11 my membtrr, warYitlg againfl the law •f m~ mind, a11d bringing mtinto captivity of the law offin which u in my mrm6tn The Apollle f11ews that the ufe of the Law is, as to difcover the Law of fin in in· ward difpootions of Corruption, fo to !hew the Law of the Inward M•n and his Grace; and to what end, but to help Affurance, whereof he treats, Ch.>p. 8. ond that he might fee, thot thert uno condtmllation to him ""ho wa!lts afrtY the SpiYit, Rom. 8. r. So when God comes to glorifie us, he therein makes what ufe is poiiibly to be made of the Law by Free Grace. At firll in Innocen- . cy, the work! of it were ordained to be, not the mealure only, but the Rule; by which, and ground for which, ex dtbito, by a due Debt, the Reward was to be given: So Rom, 4• 4· bm fo it cannot be now; for tbm, Gract wert 110 more Grace, Rom. 1 r. 6, But yet God will retain and make ufe of it to ferve as a Rule of P•oportion, not of Debt, even for 6race to difpenfc its Reward by. Though it !hall not be f>'opter optra, ·for our works, as then ; yet frcrmJ · dum optnz, according to works. Though it !hall not ferve as the Rule of Ob– ligation to rye God to us by Debt ; yet of Proportion according to which God will proceed; though it be not the Ethic•l Rule of Juflice, yet it is the Arith– metical : As if a Forher freely promife'to give a Son a Reward •ccording to hit Service, he may ufe rhe fame Rates of Proportion that to a Hireling. Thus you fee how Grace hath recovered that Primitive Inllitution which Sin had fpoiled. And jull fo hath God ordained and ordered it in the Cafe in hand. In lnnocency, Marriage and begetting of Children was an hofy Infiitution ap· pointed by God to propagate, as Mankind, fo his own ln!age of Holinefs, and the Covenant of Works wherein God promifed to be therr God, from Farher to Son, in anatural way; as other Creatures begat irf their ltind, fo ~an in· his kind: Ani! therefOre, God makes the firll Covenant of Works Wtth tht> Father of Mankind , fdr all the reil of Mankind his Childr~n, to be propagated to them by Generation.; and·bltf!ul ,';!aft mid Female to that end, Gnu{. r. r, that holy Adam fhonld begei holj Cbildmr, Now li'n had perverted and made void this lnfiitution , atit had·done that of the Law (as you have heard) and· K k k 1. that